Be Masterful in Activities of Daily Living



Power Source Functional Therapy works with children, pre-teens, teens and women. We educate and connect our clients with their physical body and cognitive abilities to leave lasting changes in their lives. We work with our clients to create a plan to be in action, attain new skills that will lead to independence in all areas of daily living. Our programs combine traditional and holistic occupational therapy modalities to achieve the goals. Services are provided in your home or at our office.

What is Occupational Therapy?

As defined by the American Occupational Therapy Association, "Occupational therapy is the only profession that helps people across the lifespan to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations). Occupational therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability."

Our Clients include pre-teens, teens and women with (includes and not limited to):

• Developmental Disabilities • Poor executive functioning skills • Neurological Disorders including ,Cerebral Palsy / Stroke, MS • Sensory Processing disorders • Breast Cancer Rehabilitation

Our Modalities include:

• sensory processing activities • reflex integration • executive functioning skill building • neurodevelopmental treatment techniques • yoga and meditation • self-inquiry and journaling • self-care education and modificaitons

Book Appointment

Result One

You will learn to connect with your body and what it needs at any given moment. You will learn how to get in tune with how your body is feeling from the inside out. We use reflex integration, executive functioning skills, physical exercise, life coaching, mediation and yoga to jump start your life to elevate your activities of daily living.

Result Two

You will get aligned with your breath. Aligning your body and mind is an important part of elevating your experiences. At Power Source, we will give you tools to clear your mind of the clutter so that you can focus on healing your body. Breathing deeply and slowly helps calm the nervous system and the mind. The physiological responses that we have from fear, excitement, pain and pleasure can calm through deep breathing.

Result Three

Our goal is for YOU to thrive. You will get your own home program to take action in your every day life. Power Source Functional Therapy is not a quick fix, it will provide you with what you need to take charge of your own happy, healthy lifestyle.